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时间:2022-09-06 浏览量:9557

序号 论文题目 作者 刊物名称 出版时间 检索报告
1 Image Enhancement Method Based on Deep Learning 张培培 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022.06 SCI索引
2 Gaussian Function Fusing Fully Convolutional Network and Region Proposal-Based Network for Ship Target Detection in SAR Images 张培培 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2022.05 SCI索引
3 Research on Laser Polarization Image Reconstruction Based on Wavelet Transform and Deep LearningICTC 2022 张培培 ICTC 2022 2022.05 EI索引
Construction of Smart Campus 
in Universities Under the Background 
of Big Data Intelligence
孙文高 Innovative Computing Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on  Innovative Computing (IC 2021) 2022.02 EI索引
5 Application of Internet of Things Technology in Early Warning and Monitoring of Equipment Status 薄博文 Innovative Computing Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on  Innovative Computing (IC 2021) 2022.02 EI索引
6 Text classification of DGCNN model based on deep learning 张迪 EIECS 2021.09
7 水下光通信的信道分析研究 王菲 数字通信世界 2021.07
8 Channel simulation analysis of seawater laser communication 王菲 ICAICA 2021 2021.06
9 基于圆弧拟合算法的海水激光通信信道研究 王菲  姬冠妮 光通信技术 2021.06
10 Improved  deep learning model text classification 张迪 Intelligent Computing and Signal Processing 2021.5
11 Python Based Data Visualization and Configurable Teaching System Design and Implementation 张俊芳 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing,Electronics and Computers 2021.05
12 Research on seawater laser communication channel based on visible light 王菲 IPEC 2021 2021.04
13 Research on the Application of Computer Cloud Computing Technology in Laboratory Management Based on Docker Platform 杨碎明 Journal of  Physics Conference Series 2021.4
14 大数据时代下计算机电子信息处理技术研究 杨碎明 粘接 2021.4
15 基于圆弧拟合算法的海水激光通信信道研究 王菲 光通信技术 2021.03
16 Research on Computer System Implementation of ISO14443B Protocol Communication Data Acquisition based on FPGA 王冠军 Journal of Physics 2021.02 EI索引
17 Research on Distributed Database Management of Wireless  Network Sensors Based on Cloud Computing 杨碎明 Journal of Test Engineeringand Management 2021.02
18 Research And  Implementation of internet of things Communication System based on MQTT protocol  牛作领 Journal of Physics 2021.03 EI索引
19 大数据时代下计算机电子信息处理技术研究 杨碎明 粘接 2021.2
20 Discussion on the Laboratory Construction Based on the University Data Information System of Industry-university-research Integration 董帆 ISAIEE2021 2021.12 EI索引
21 基于嵌入式技术的光电信号检测研究 董明星 微型电脑应用 2021.11
22 Test system of laser ultrasonic directional transmission channel characteristics 张培培 ICOIM2021 2021.10
The Calibration of an Array Induction Logging Tool in
王昭 MSCS2021 2021.01
24 Combining Faster-RCNN and Convolutional Siamese Network for Aerial Vehicle Tracking 张培培 ICCASIT2020 2021.09
25 Recognition of Building Health Status Based on Machine Learning Algorithm 张培培 ACIE 2021 2021.01
26 Wi-Fi/5G dual-band vehicle antenna simulation  design 王冠军 刘学军 Journal of PhysicsConference Series 2020.07
27  Research on Simulation of Electromagnetic Field of DC Motor  Based on Finite Element Analysis 王昭 Journal of PhysicsConference Series 2020.6
28 A Novel Target Detection Method Based on Improved YOLO Network 张培培 ICCC2020 2020.12
29 Research on nondestructive testing of microcracks 姬冠妮 AIAM2020 2020.12
30 激光超声波定向传输信道特性测试系统 张培培 激光杂志 2020.11
31 Combining Faster-RCNN and Convolutional Siamese Network for Aerial Vehicle Tracking 张培培 ICCASIT 2020 2020.10
32 高铁轨道应力的超声监测 姬冠妮 计算机与数字工程 2020.10
33 基于机器学习算法的建筑物健康状态识别 张培培 微型电脑应用 2020.10
34 永磁耦合器的发展及应用综述 王昭 科技经济导刊 2020.07
35 基于单片机的光控路灯系统设计 张锦迪 数字通信世界 2021.08
36 HDB3编译码设计的FPGA实现 刘雪峰 数字通信世界 2021.07
37 物联网技术在智慧农场中的应用 董明星 电脑知识与技术 2021.07
38 大数据时代个人隐私数据泄露问题调查 董明星 电脑知识与技术 2021.6
39 人工智能技术在物联网中的运用 董明星 现代工业经济和信息化 2021.6
40 基于嵌入式技术的光电信号检测研究 董明星 微型电脑应用 2021.11
41 无线传感技术在煤矿火灾自动报警系统中的应用研究 董明星 能源与环保信息 2021.12
42 “信号与系统”课程创新探索 王昭 无线互联科技 2021.01
43 基于声波测量的倒车雷达障碍物测距算法研究 姬冠妮 电子设计工程 2020.08
44 基于UWB定位的自动驾驶路径规划方法研究 薄博文  孙文高 自动化与仪器仪表 2020.05
45 Improved ant Colony Aalgorithm in Automatic Following Luggage 孙文高 Cyber Security Intelligence and Analytics 2020.02
46 基于深度学习的图像目标检测算法研究 张培培 国外电子测量技术 2020.09
47 基于网络爬虫的电商评价数据可视化 孙 媛 张俊芳 现代信息科技 2020.06